The Importance of Dental Fillings for Oral Health in Mira Mesa

Written by Scripps West Dental

Dental Fillings Mira Mesa

Maintaining great oral health is essential for your overall well-being. One of the most common oral conditions to affect people in Mira Mesa is tooth decay. Thankfully, when cavities are caught at an early stage, we can repair them with minimally-invasive dental fillings.

Dental fillings are a routine procedure performed by our Mira Mesa dentists to restore teeth damaged by decay or cavities. They also help prevent the infection from spreading deeper into the tooth or adjacent teeth. At Scripps West Dental, we utilize advanced materials for dental fillings to preserve your oral health and ensuring long-lasting results.

Common Reasons for Dental Fillings

Dental fillings play a vital role in preserving oral health by restoring damaged teeth and preventing further decay or tooth deterioration. Even though cavities may not cause pain or toothaches, it’s important to treat these bacterial infections early; if not, they’ll expand deeper into the tooth and potentially the nerve tissues inside of it.

When bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the tooth enamel, it results in demineralization and eventually the formation of cavities (which are, by definition, physical holes inside of the tooth.) Dental fillings are used to restore or rebuild the decayed portion of the tooth and seal off the space, preventing further decay. From the outside, white fillings also restore the appearance of the tooth for aesthetic purposes. Our goal is to place custom-matching fillings that blend in seamlessly with the surrounding tooth structure.

Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings in Mira Mesa

At Scripps West Dental in Mira Mesa, CA, we offer tooth-colored dental fillings as an excellent alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. Tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite resin fillings, are made from a blend of fine glass particles and resin materials that can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. This aesthetic advantage ensures that your dental fillings blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, providing a more natural-looking result. Best of all, composite naturally bonds with your tooth enamel, so the fillings are—by nature—less invasive than traditional metal fillings. As a result, less tooth alteration is needed and we can preserve a larger area of healthy enamel.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic technique that’s similar to composite dental fillings, particularly for smooth surface issues or minor tooth imperfections. During the bonding process, a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the affected area and shaped to match the natural contours of the tooth. The resin is then hardened with a special light, creating a strong bond between the filling material and the enamel.

Dental bonding is specifically used on areas where the tooth is healthy, but poses an aesthetic concern. For example, small chips in the tooth, uneven edges, small gaps, or tiny pits in the surface of your enamel.

Caring for Dental Fillings

Proper care and maintenance are essential for the longevity of white dental fillings. While dental fillings are extremely durable, they can still be susceptible to wear and tear over time. Especially if you bite your nails, clench your teeth, or don’t floss regularly. To ensure their longevity, it is important to follow good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing and sleeping in a protective nightguard. Additionally, we recommend scheduling routine dental check-ups at Scripps West Dental in Mira Mesa, CA at least twice a year. These visits allow our skilled dental professionals to monitor the condition of your fillings, the surrounding tooth structures, and address any issues as early as possible.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you suspect you have a cavity or need a dental filling, we encourage you to schedule an exam at Scripps West Dental in Mira Mesa, CA. Our experienced dental providers will assess your oral health, discuss your various treatment options, and guide you through the process of restoring your smile. We pride ourselves on providing personalized care, utilizing the latest techniques and minimally invasive materials to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction. Call us today to learn more!

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